dotnet:: c# publish option // -r RID, net8, singlefile



dotnet new console
dotnet build --output ./build_output
dotnet ./build_output/my_app.dll


dotnet build -c Release
dotnet build -p:Version=


# single file exe with all dependancies
dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x64 --self-contained true /p:publishsinglefile=true

# framework-dependent executable
dotnet publish -c Release
dotnet publish -c Release -r <RID> --self-contained false

# self-contained 
dotnet publish -c Release -r <RID> --self-contained true
dotnet publish -r win-x64 --self-contained
dotnet publish -r osx-x64 --self-contained
dotnet publish -r linux-x64

# framework-dependent deployment
dotnet publish -c Release -p:UseAppHost=false





-r <RID>


Type Command
framework-dependent executable for the current platform. dotnet publish
framework-dependent executable for a specific platform. dotnet publish -r <RID>
self-contained executable. dotnet publish -r <RID> --self-contained


dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x64 --self-contained true /p:publishsinglefile=true

dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-x64 --self-contained true /p:publishsinglefile=true



Windows RIDs

  • win-x64
  • win-x86
  • win-arm64

Linux RIDs

  • linux-x64 (Most desktop distributions like CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, and derivatives)
  • linux-musl-x64 (Lightweight distributions using musl like Alpine Linux)
  • linux-musl-arm64 (Used to build Docker images for 64-bit Arm v8 and minimalistic base images)
  • linux-arm (Linux distributions running on Arm like Raspbian on Raspberry Pi Model 2+)
  • linux-arm64 (Linux distributions running on 64-bit Arm like Ubuntu Server 64-bit on Raspberry Pi Model 3+)
  • linux-bionic-arm64 (Distributions using Android's bionic libc, for example, Termux)


.NET Runtime Identifier (RID) catalog - .NET

Learn about the runtime identifier (RID) and how RIDs are used in .NET.







-Single file deployment and exe


<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">




Create a single file for application deployment - .NET

Learn what single file application is and why you should consider using this application deployment model.









