Remove-Item -Path D:\repo\files\*.* -Recurse
Remove-Item -Path D:\repo\files -Recurse #files folder삭제
Remove Files in Folder and SubFolders
Remove-Item -Path D:\repo\files\*.* -Recurse
# Delete all files from the folder D:\repo\files and it's subfolders
Remove-Item -Path D:\repo\files\ -Recurse -Include *.*
Get-ChildItem -Path D:\repo\files\ -File -Recurse | Remove-Item
Delete a file
-Path | Specify the path of the items that need to be removed. |
-LiteralPath | The exact path the item |
-Include | Specifies a path element to include, for example, *.txt |
-Exclude | Specifies a path element to exclude, for example, *.txt |
-Recurse | Delete items in the specified location and in all subfolders |
-Force | Used to delete read-only files or hidden items |
-Confirm | Prompt for confirmation |
Remove-Item -Path D:\repo\\readme.MD
Delete all Files in a Folder
Remove-Item -Path D:\repo\files\*.*
Get-ChildItem -Path D:\repo\files\ -File | Remove-Item
Delete File if Exists
$file = D:\repo\files\readme.MD
if (Test-Path -Path $file) {
Remove-Item -Path $file
Using the Include Filter / Excluid Filter
# Remove all .log items
Remove-Item -Path C:\temp\files\ -Include *.log
# Get all files that have the word app or process in their name.
Remove-Item -Path C:\temp\files\ -Include *app*, *process* -Recurse
Remove-Item -Path C:\temp\files\ -Include *.log -Exclude *process* -Recurse